Suit-able Limericks

There once was a woman from Butte
whose shaved head a suitor thought cute
       until she undressed
       and he found all the rest
of her body completely hirsute.

10/11/2020 7:28 AM
as prompted by Mad Kane’s Humor Blog

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11 Responses to Suit-able Limericks

  1. poetalias says:

    Claimed Pierre’s margin note, “The cube root
    of the sum of two cubes won’t compute,
          nor for all powers higher.”
          Thereby did he inspire
    countless hours of great math in pursuit.

  2. poetalias says:

    I once wore a green three-piece suit
    to exchange vows said were absolute.
          Hers weren’t true that day.
          Mine were so all the way
    though my reasoning’s now rather moot.

  3. maggie says:

    Mitch McConnell should’ve kept his mouth mute
    and the Senate should’ve then followed suit.
          But a different drum’s drummin’ —
          Election Day’s comin’
    when this evil regime we’ll uproot.

  4. poetalias says:

    With the best nasal Dylan one might impute,
    “your dancing child with his Chinese suit…
          I want you so bad”
          I sang as he had,
    but my mouth organ play earned me her boot.

  5. poetalias says:

    Permitted disparity impute.
    Most valuable rates therefrom transmute.
          Satisfy ABPs
          for enough NCEs.
    Your key HCEs then follow suit.

    • maggie says:

      Jesus Christ, sir, it’s time to reboot
      your brain! Hang it up with your suit
            and retire! Quit the Service!
            You’re making us nervous —
      good limericks aren’t meant to compute!

      • poetalias says:

        If the limerick form doesn’t suit
        pension nondiscrim tests, oh well shoot!
              Did I get my rate groups
              wound around in strange loops?
        Must be so if we don’t circumvolute.

        • maggie says:

          That line ain’t workin’, you silly old coot.
          Problem is workin’ life’s still your pursuit.
                Relax. Take a breather.
                Write a limerick. But either
          burn your tax code, else be gettin’ the boot!!

          • *snort* Eh, he’s a silly old coot??
            Like they say’s said, When if the suit
                  fits well, he should wear it
                  to hell. Still you merit
            a brisk spanking for acting so cute.

          • poetalias says:

            Have you still as yet not realized
            how an actuary’s head’s organized?
                   You can’t end my pursuit
                   with book-burning tribute —
            I’ve got gobs of tax code memorized!

  6. maggie says:

    There once was a civil lawsuit
    of a private pre-office dispute
          for which now Trump abuses
          his oath, since he uses
    Barr’s resources to prosecute.

Comments welcome!