I’ll go with you

I’ll go with you out on the open road.
⠀⠀⠀If you’ll decide for us where we’re to sleep,
⠀⠀⠀I’ll map out our meal’s next episode.
I’ll go with you out on the open road
with no dreams of a permanent abode,
nor where we’ve been our memory to keep.
⠀⠀⠀I’ll go with you out on the open road
⠀⠀⠀if you’ll decide for us where we’re to sleep.

prompted by Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone
at the Daily Post

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4 Responses to I’ll go with you

  1. Meka says:

    Reblogged this on Love Mekanism and commented:
    FEATURED: I’ll go with you By clarior e tenebris
    Poem 5 didn’t show itself today– maybe soon. You recognize the author of the blog– that is “clarity through darkness” recognized for “Oh!” here on the 4th of July. and Here’s a short poem I would like you to see. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work with the world, and I appreciate so much that you so much for following.

  2. Thanks. The true rolling stone of this triolet comes along after I’ve read it aloud something more than a dozen times straight, which is around the moment it breaks night.

  3. Echo of On the Road–much more concisely put. I like this very much. Thanks.

    • *smile*. Yes, I admit, that did come to mind on the heels of the prompt. Now coming back through in your response here, I guess there’s nothing to be done but pull it out for a refresher reading. Thanks.

Comments welcome!