Band/Banned Limericks

Sgt Pepper, it’s said, taught the band
to play, but they’d be undermanned
     had Sally not given head
     in Billy Shears’ bed
to the Lord Mayor of Pepperland.

[Mad Kane’s Humor Blog: Limerick-Off Monday (9/26/20)
October 2, 2020 at 12:27 pm]

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7 Responses to Band/Banned Limericks

  1. poetalias says:

    I can’t possibly hope to expand
    on your stash of band/banned contraband.
          Plus that given your talents
          on other forms give balance
    to your limericking, “More!” I demand.

    Seriously, Cyn, speaking from the perspective of one who has written little but limerick since my college days, your expertise at it floors me. On this streak, my fave are —

    #19 – Napping is my secondary career. Not only that, but I’m better than most anyone at being a loser. So the chance to be paid by taxpayers to do both?…I’m headed to our local recruitment office!

    #21 – What’s not to love about a random number limerick? Except that through more than 40 years of stat and actuarial experience, I always knew that what was most natural in my own head was always more random than the digits that I myself borrowed from Rand Corp.

    I won’t tag your #22 as a fave, per se, but will at least comment that it’s a sad sign of how far below “great” we’ve dug our hell when we can’t even voice a warning to out children that reckless action risks consequence without fearing censorship. And on your #25, I’m wondering if when the U.S. Supreme Court justices listened to the evidence (which of course they ought have, even in turning down the request to overturn), could they hear it all the way down to the White House?

    Finally, go ahead and picture me smirking a bit on the first one you posted here. Reminds me of someone.

  2. maggie says:

    Cyn, dear…

          The limericking coals you’ve sure fanned
          so much here, you’ll soon have you a grand
                (counting spin-offs and versions
                and drafts and recursions
          and the rest of your haul’s contraband).

    Eh, well, as long as things allowed continue to outnumber and outweigh and outlast things banned, we’ll do well.

  3. So far I’ve just casually scanned
    all the limericks you’ve written on “band”
          but I spy parallels:
          your words work like spells —
    not a one of them would I remand.

    • I can see what you mean rather well
      how a good word’s like unto a spell
                  tho in civilized land
                  the old ways remain banned
      except when they’re shrink-wrapped to sell.

  4. Cyn, you and I both understand
    that in Texas our love might get banned —
          should Trump’s cronies prevail,
          you must marry a male
    thus erasing dreams once in our hand.

  5. maggie says:

    re your #40
          Though truth is at risk being banned,
          even so we must still take a stand
                to preserve what is right
                through darkest neo-GOP night
          and bring real light back into our land.

Comments welcome!